Friday, February 27, 2009

What is wrong with being a homemaker?

What is wrong with being a homemaker?

Seriously why have the words wife, stay at home mom and homemaker become words of shame? Why are the women in these professions looked down upon as parasites? I serve a wonderful purpose, I take care of my home, my husband and am raising and molding a mind that will be an important part of the future. Why do other women look at you with either pity or down their noses? In my experience stay at home wives/moms have better relationships all around with their family. My marriage is extremely happy because of my choice to be a stay at home wife and mother. My husband knows he can count on his shirts to be ready to for work, his lunch to be made, a hot dinner on the table at night and a sympathetic ear. Not to say I dont have my bad days but most of them are good. My husband has to worry about work and thats it. I take care of the home and our finances and it works very well for us that way. We dont have to fight over who will take a sick day from work when Isa is ill or decide who will pick her up at daycare, we dont have to play rock paper sissors over who is going to make dinner or pick up dinner. Because my husband doesnt have to do anything but work at his job it leaves him more relaxed and wanting to help me around the house or do projects.

I appreciate that women before me have paved the way to allow me to work for a decent wage if I chose to. What I dont appreciate is that it is pushed on women, that if they choose not to take that path then somehow they are less of a person or weak. If being superwoman means running around like a chicken with your head cut off, not having any time to talk to my husband or get to know my kids, popping pills from the pharmacy to help me cope with life and having someone else instill their morals and values in my children then call me weak, I never want to be superwoman. I just want to be mom and my hubby's sweetheart.Another thing on my mind is the obesity issue in America. I honestly think it ties in with the fact that most moms are working. Yes there are more fast food chains and junk foods out there, frozen foods and boxed foods, all filled with chemicals but when women are pressed for time what are they going to feed their families. The mom is no longer in the home to #1 cook nutritious meals made from scratch, from REAL ingredients. #2 they are no longer home and teaching their children about proper nutrition. By the time the schools get teaching about it its just far too late.Okay, Im off my soap box now.


Posted by TheRetroHousewife at 6:01 AM

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blog land Amber! So glad to see a young woman interested in living out a godly life at home! I love your header! May God bless and keep you and your growing family.
